品名: Abita Abbey Ale 阿毕塔修道院爱尔啤酒
型号: BIR020     条形码: 080020200017
产地: 美国  产区: 路易斯安娜州 阿比塔斯普林斯市 Abita Springs, LA 制造商: 阿毕塔 ABITA
上架时间: 2013/10/23 19:09:03  容量: 650ML 年份:
单位: 瓶  种类: 啤酒
口感: 格调: 配餐:
用途:     浏览次数: 2990

     Abita Abbey Ale


Abita Abbey Ale honors the ancient tradition of monks who perfected the art of brewing beer to support the monastery and their "liquid bread." We offer up our support and thank them with a 25-cent donation to St. Jose ph's Abbey with every bottle sold of this heavenly brew. Dark amber in color, the aroma of caramel, fruits and cloves invites you to contemplate the creamy head of this "Dubbel" or double ale. Abita Abbey Ale is a malty brew, top-fermented and bottle aged to rapturous perfection. ABV8.0%

